Over the last few years, Edinburgh Park's management team has hosted a photography competition to shine a light on those talented members of the public who take beautiful pictures of life & nature in the park. This year our competition is open from the 15th of August to the 30th of September 2024. All interpretations of the park are welcome but if you need inspiration perhaps focus on capturing 'candid moments' on Edinburgh Park or 'reflections'. To submit please fill in the information on the form which you can access via the QR code on the poster and send your photo entry to Lottie Kirby at placemaking@lsh.co.uk. Please note that if applications are made after 11:59pm on 30th September they will not be valid entries. If the file is too large to send via email please send to placemaking@lsh.co.uk via 'we transfer'. Please ensure the submitted files are in a format that allows as high resolution as possible. Submissions will close at 11:59pm on Friday 30th September. We will announce the winner on Monday 16th October. The winner will be notified via email and sent our £200 voucher from Camera Tiks, a local camera (equipment) shop. We wish you the best of luck with your entry and thank you for participating!